Finishing Together

5 Mile with 24 Obstacles

Letty and Maria represented the Pink Turtles at the Spartan Race, as they ran in mud and water, climbed steep hills, crawled under barbed wire and jumped through fire...what a course.

Letty and Maria at the Spartan Race 2015

Letty and Maria at the Spartan Race 2015

Good Morning Monday,

So as you all know I was taking on a challenge and doing the Spartan Sprint this past Saturday, well I did it.  My weekend was epic, one I will never forget, it was about 5 miles with up-hill and 24 obstacles.  I learned a lot about myself that day, I learned I could do things I thought I was never going to do, my training paid off.  I also learned that I could, need to and will work harder to become fitter to conquer the obstacles I could not do but I did try. 

I'm so thankful to my husband, Vincent who inspired me and believed in me that I could do it, my coach/trainer Joseph & my fellow PACFIT Team.  A BIG shout out to my now SPARTAN SISTER and fellow PINK TURTLE, Letty who I talked into doing this race with me.  We started together, pushed each other & finished together and got through it with no one getting injured. 

I truly believe anything is possible if you want it and put your mind to it.  It's not about being better than someone else, it's about being better than you were yesterday!!

Thank you all for your support - AROO!!!


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